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Tekken 8

TEKKEN 8, the brand-new entry in the legendary TEKKEN franchise, brings the fight to the new generation! Fist Meets Fate! TEKKEN 8 continues the tragic saga of the Mishima bloodline and its world-shaking father-and-son grudge matches. After defeating his father, Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya continues his conquest for global domination, using the forces of G Corporation to wage war on the world. Jin is forced to face his fate head-on as he is reunited with his long-lost mother and seeks to stop his father Kazuya’s reign of terror. Experience the next chapter in the longest-running videogame storyline with 32 redesigned, unique fighters and master the all-new ‘Heat’ system to crush your opponents. Enjoy high-fidelity graphics, developed for the new generation of hardware, to showcase every moment of impact and aggressive super moves. With a variety of single-player content to explore, such as the brand-new Arcade Quest mode and an in-depth customisation system for both playable and avatar characters, TEKKEN 8 introduces the most thrilling experience yet.

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Inbanki järelmaksu eelised:

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· Vastus taotlusele minutiga

Inbanki järelmaksu tingimused:

  • Summa 100 – 10 000 €
  • Periood 6 – 72 kuud
  • Sissemakse 0 €
  • Intress 11,9%
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  • Haldustasu 0,3% kuus

Järelmaksu taotlemine on lihtne:

  • Järelmaksuga saad tasuda ka mitme kauba eest korraga
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Inbanki järelmaksu krediidi kulukuse määr on 31,64% aastas järgmistel näidistingimustel: järelmaksu summa 490 €, lepinguperiood kuudes 12, intressimäär 11,9% ostusummalt, sissemakse 0%, haldustasu 0,3%, igakuine osamakse 47,23 €, krediidi kogukulu 566,8 €. Teenuse pakkujaks on AS Inbank Finance. Enne lepingu sõlmimist soovitame sul tutvuda finantsteenuse tingimustega ja vajadusel konsulteerida spetsialistiga.
  • A Fighter for a New Generation – 32 fighters with next-gen visuals will collide in Tekken 8! Both new and returning characters are stunningly portrayed in high-detailed character models built from the ground up – featuring every drop of sweat and ripped muscles for an immersive experience.
  • New Game, New Rivalry – TEKKEN 8 continues the tragic saga of the Mishima and Kazama bloodlines and their world-shaking father-and-son grudge matches. In this latest chapter, Jin Kazama will seek to defy his fate as he faces his father Kazuya Mishima causing war and destruction across the globe.
  • Exciting New Gameplay – TEKKEN 8 will feature exciting new gameplay focused on “Aggressive” tactics. Retaining TEKKEN’s unique fighting game identity, the game will provide both players and spectators with the series‘ most thrilling experience yet with visceral screen-jarring attacks and environments that are both dynamic and destructible.
  • Arcade Quest – In the new single-player mode ‘Arcade Quest’, players can create their own avatar and conquer their rivals in a variety of different arcades. This mode serves as an introduction to the gameplay of TEKKEN 8, allowing players to acquire basic knowledge, learn practical techniques, and enjoy a unique storyline and battles different from regular matches
  • Built for Personalisation – With a wide variety of customisations to playable characters, avatars, HUD elements, and music – players can tailor their experience to their own personal preferences. There is more freedom in customisation options than ever before for playable characters.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 230 × 160 × 40 cm

Bandai Namco Games


Playstation 5

Delivery methods

Currently we are offering delivery via:

  • Omniva
  • DPD


Delivery to Estonia usually takes 1-3 workdays.

Delivery to Latvia usually takes 1-3 workdays.

Delivery to Lithuania usually takes 2-3 workdays.
