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NieR: Automata: The End of YoRHa Edition

NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition is the Nintendo Switch version of NieR:Automata, an award-winning post-apocalyptic action RPG that has achieved deep-rooted popularity around the world.

The distant future…

Invaders from another world attack without warning, unleashing a new type of threat: weapons known as “machine lifeforms.” In the face of this insurmountable threat, mankind is driven from Earth and takes refuge on the Moon. As 2B, a member of the newly organized android military force YoRHa, players will immerse themselves in a ferocious battle to take back the planet.

Experience a captivating story that goes beyond simple entertainment, inspiring a wide array of emotions as it unfolds through genre-blending action in a beautifully desolate open world.

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Inbank maksa järmisel kuul

· Maksa järgmise kuu 25ndal kuupäeval
· 30 – 800 € ostudele
· 0 € lisatasu

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· 75 – 2500 € ostudele
· Periood 2 või 3 kuud
· 0 € lisatasu

Miks valida Inbanki makseviis?

· Lihtne ja lisatasudeta – pole intressi, lepingutasu ega igakuist haldustasu.
· Nutikas viis soetada kohe kõik, mida vajad, tegemata valikute arvelt järeleandmisi.
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Inbanki järelmaksu eelised:

· Paindlik lahendus suuremateks väljaminekuteks
· Sina valid järelmaksu summa suuruse
· Sina valid järelmaksu perioodi
· Sina valid maksekuupäeva
· Vastus taotlusele minutiga

Inbanki järelmaksu tingimused:

  • Summa 100 – 10 000 €
  • Periood 6 – 72 kuud
  • Sissemakse 0 €
  • Intress 11,9%
  • Lepingutasu 0
  • Haldustasu 0,3% kuus

Järelmaksu taotlemine on lihtne:

  • Järelmaksuga saad tasuda ka mitme kauba eest korraga
  • Järelmaksutaotluse saad täita siin e-poes
  • Lepinguga saad tutvuda ning selle allkirjastada siin e-poes
  • Inbank saadab sulle igakuiselt e-arve
Inbanki järelmaksu krediidi kulukuse määr on 31,64% aastas järgmistel näidistingimustel: järelmaksu summa 490 €, lepinguperiood kuudes 12, intressimäär 11,9% ostusummalt, sissemakse 0%, haldustasu 0,3%, igakuine osamakse 47,23 €, krediidi kogukulu 566,8 €. Teenuse pakkujaks on AS Inbank Finance. Enne lepingu sõlmimist soovitame sul tutvuda finantsteenuse tingimustega ja vajadusel konsulteerida spetsialistiga.
  • Action-Packed Battles – Players will switch between using melee and ranged attacks in battle against hordes of enemies and challenging bosses across a variety of open field maps. The tight controls and incredibly fluid combat are simple to learn for newcomers while offering plenty of depth for more experienced action gamers. Players can perform high-speed battle actions—combining light and heavy attacks—and switch through an arsenal of weaponry while evading enemies with speed and style
  • Beautifully Desolate Open-World – The game seamlessly joins together hauntingly beautiful vistas and locations with no area loading. The environments are rendered in 60fps and contain a wealth of sub-events in addition to the main storyline
  • Masterfully Crafted Story and Characters – NieR: Automata tells the story of androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their ferocious battle to reclaim a machine-driven dystopia overrun by powerful weapons known as machine lifeforms
  • Elements of an RPG – Players will obtain a variety of weapon types, level up in battle, learn new combat skills, and customize a loadout that caters to their playstyle
  • Utilize the Pod Support System to Assist In and Outside of Battle – Pods can attack the enemy in both manual and lock-on modes. They can also assist outside of battle, such as allowing the player to glide through the air. Pods can be enhanced throughout the game, with upgrades including new attack methods and variations
  • “Auto Mode” Available for Beginners – Novice players can elect “Auto Mode” for easy attacks and evasions

Additional information

Weight 0.08 kg
Dimensions 190 × 120 × 30 cm

Nintendo Switch


Square Enix

Delivery methods

Currently we are offering delivery via:

  • Omniva
  • DPD


Delivery to Estonia usually takes 1-3 workdays.

Delivery to Latvia usually takes 1-3 workdays.

Delivery to Lithuania usually takes 2-3 workdays.
