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Hunt: Showdown


Hunt: Showdown
KovaaK Games, Inc.
Compatible with Xbox One™ (XONE™)
Version: Europe
Works on all systems sold worldwide, a correct regional account may be required for online features.
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Hunt: Showdown_
Hunt: Showdown_
Hunt: Showdown_
Hunt: Showdown_
Hunt: Showdown_
Hunt: Showdown_
Hunt: Showdown_
Product Features
Match based PvPvE: Climb up the ranks and stand your ground against the best players 20-40 minutes of playtime per session
Tactical Sandbox: Chose your own playing style and solve problems you encounter your way
Open, highly replayable maps: Use tools, tactics and a feature rich environment to turn the odds in your favour
High tension survival gameplay: Fight over bounty against other hunter teams in a world full of challenging AI
High risk / high rewards: Gamble with your life. Earn rewards and upgrades vs. the fear of losing your character forever
A world of the unknown: Immerse yourself in a rich, believable world with dark undertones that keeps you guessing – what’s around the corner?
Item Description
Hunt: Showdown, a competitive first-person bounty hunting game, combines the thrill of first-person shooters and survival games and packs those elements into a match-based format. Each match pits up to ten players—playing solo or in teams of two—against each other as they compete for bounty by taking out gruesome monsters in the swamps of Louisiana in what critiques have called a unique blend of player-versus-player and player-versus-enemy elements. But once players have taken a bounty, they instantly become a target for every other Hunter left on the map. The higher the risk, the higher the reward—but a single mistake could cost everything, and death is permanent. In Hunt‘s Quick Play mode, ten solo players compete for the chance to keep their Hunter at the end of the match — and a considerable amount of gold.

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Inbanki makseviisid

Inbanki makseviisid aitavad ostude eest veelgi mugavamalt tasuda. Tasu oma ostu eest alles järgmisel kuul või jaga ostusumma mitmeks võrdseks osaks, lihtsalt ja ilma ühegi lisatasuta.
Leia sobiv makselahendus kassast ja vali endale sobivaim järgmistest valikutest.

Inbank maksa järmisel kuul

· Maksa järgmise kuu 25ndal kuupäeval
· 30 – 800 € ostudele
· 0 € lisatasu

Inbank jaga osadeks

· 75 – 2500 € ostudele
· Periood 2 või 3 kuud
· 0 € lisatasu

Miks valida Inbanki makseviis?

· Lihtne ja lisatasudeta – pole intressi, lepingutasu ega igakuist haldustasu.
· Nutikas viis soetada kohe kõik, mida vajad, tegemata valikute arvelt järeleandmisi.
· Inbanki maksa hiljem makseviisi puhul ei ole tegu järelmaksuga, vaid krediidivaba makseviisiga – see ei mõjuta sinu krediidiskoori.

Inbanki makseviisiga tasumine on lihtne!

Ost kinnitatakse vaid mõne hetkega.


Inbank järelmaks

Inbanki järelmaks võimaldab sul muuta suur ühekordne väljaminek igakuiseks väikeseks kuluks ning tasuda toodete ja teenuste eest osade kaupa. Võta maksmiseks rohkem aega ning jaga ostusumma kuni 6 aasta peale. Esimene makse alles kuu aja pärast.

Inbanki järelmaksu eelised:

· Paindlik lahendus suuremateks väljaminekuteks
· Sina valid järelmaksu summa suuruse
· Sina valid järelmaksu perioodi
· Sina valid maksekuupäeva
· Vastus taotlusele minutiga

Inbanki järelmaksu tingimused:

  • Summa 100 – 10 000 €
  • Periood 6 – 72 kuud
  • Sissemakse 0 €
  • Intress 11,9%
  • Lepingutasu 0
  • Haldustasu 0,3% kuus

Järelmaksu taotlemine on lihtne:

  • Järelmaksuga saad tasuda ka mitme kauba eest korraga
  • Järelmaksutaotluse saad täita siin e-poes
  • Lepinguga saad tutvuda ning selle allkirjastada siin e-poes
  • Inbank saadab sulle igakuiselt e-arve
Inbanki järelmaksu krediidi kulukuse määr on 31,64% aastas järgmistel näidistingimustel: järelmaksu summa 490 €, lepinguperiood kuudes 12, intressimäär 11,9% ostusummalt, sissemakse 0%, haldustasu 0,3%, igakuine osamakse 47,23 €, krediidi kogukulu 566,8 €. Teenuse pakkujaks on AS Inbank Finance. Enne lepingu sõlmimist soovitame sul tutvuda finantsteenuse tingimustega ja vajadusel konsulteerida spetsialistiga.
  • Match based PvPvE: Climb up the ranks and stand your ground against the best players 20-40 minutes of playtime per session
  • Tactical Sandbox: Chose your own playing style and solve problems you encounter your way
  • Open, highly replayable maps: Use tools, tactics and a feature rich environment to turn the odds in your favour
  • High tension survival gameplay: Fight over bounty against other hunter teams in a world full of challenging AI
  • High risk / high rewards: Gamble with your life. Earn rewards and upgrades vs. the fear of losing your character forever
  • A world of the unknown: Immerse yourself in a rich, believable world with dark undertones that keeps you guessing – what’s around the corner?

Additional information

Weight 0.16 kg
Dimensions 190 × 160 × 30 cm

Xbox One


KovaaK Games

Delivery methods

Currently we are offering delivery via:

  • Omniva
  • DPD


Delivery to Estonia usually takes 1-3 workdays.

Delivery to Latvia usually takes 1-3 workdays.

Delivery to Lithuania usually takes 2-3 workdays.
