See the world through the eyes of a bee! Compete with other bees in races, collect pollen, perform waggle dances, and explore a world inspired by Central Park in New York. Play it with your family or friends, choosing between three modes, including co-op and vs. split-screen.
When the first rays of sunlight rise above the horizon, the beehive slowly wakes up. Hierarchy and diligence are vital for the wellbeing of the whole swarm. So you check your wings, measure the antennae degree of deviation, take orders from the Queen, and bee-gin your first independent mission. And that’s just the beginning of your adventures. Suddenly, you learn that people want to cut down the tree that holds your hive. Now your fate – and the fate of your whole family – lies in your small, agile legs and fast wings!
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Weight | 0.16 kg |
Dimensions | 190 × 160 × 30 cm |
Brand | Maximum Games |
Platform | Nintendo Switch, Xbox One |
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